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FPU students and professors in Metalac – a common design day

inko 25/10/2021 0 comments
Students and professors from FPU visit Metalac

Metalac and FPU strive to jointly recognize the challenges in the inexhaustible need for innovation and market differentiation.

Design, redesign and innovation of form are the backbone of the meeting of professors and students of the Department of Design at the Faculty of Applied Arts with representatives of Metalac’s production companies, organized on November 5. The eminent team, led by Professor Nikola Knezevic, head of the Department of Industrial Design, presented what Metalac can expect in cooperation with this academic institution. An inspiring video presentation, made especially for the meeting with Metalac, guided the hosts through the areas and methodology of working with students and the references of their professors.

Metalac acquainted the guests with FPU with the specifics of the production of dishes, boilers, sinks, packaging and products from Granmatrix solid surface material. Each of these programs is a challenge for innovation. On this occasion, a new granite sink from the Metalac Inko factory was shown for the first time, made on the idea of ​​the world-renowned designer Karim Rashid. The general public will see this sink for the first time at the upcoming Furniture Fair in Belgrade.

On the day dedicated to industrial design and innovation, among the guests were participants of the Granmatrix competition for jardiniere for large cities, and extremely interesting was the presentation of the company Cadpro, which provides support in the production of molds for casting objects from Granmatrix and granite.

After the “design day”, the general director of Metalac, Petrasin Jakovljevic, expressed his belief that concrete arrangements between the two houses would follow very soon. FPU professors and managers of Metalac’s production companies agreed that the day was very inspiring for new directions of cooperation.


Jardiniere competition completed

There could have been more works, but the quality of those who arrived confirms that the competition was successful. The commission therefore decided to buy the five received ideas, and the concept of “Hulahop” by the industrial designer Nikola Panajotovic from Belgrade, who sent two works to the competition, was declared the best.

The task was to design an original modern piece of urban furniture in the form of a jardiniere, which due to its design would represent a new functional and aesthetic quality in urban morphology – modular, decorative and variable in terms of practical problems of landscaping and exterior improvement.

Metalac Inko’s decision to buy all the submitted works emphasized the responsible intention to animate young designers and teams of professionals who are inspired by the theme of urban furniture and who are looking for a serious partner among industrial manufacturers. Metalac Inko will sign agreements with the authors of the awarded works on the purchase of copyrights as well as further commercial exploitation of the selected solutions.
The results of the competition for the planter were announced during the visit of professors and students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Industrial Design, in early November.

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