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XGranit sinks

XGranit sinks are made of composite materials whith quartz, the hardest element of granite, as the main component. That’s why these sinks are also known as „granite sinks“. Quartz as a natural material makes 80% of the granite sinks. The composite is mixed with high quality resins in a controlled process. The final product has exceptional hardness and resistance with the effect of a natural stone.

The range meets the broad needs of the household, aesthetically and spatially it covers the criteria of traditional and modern expectations, it is easy and simple to maintain, it fits perfectly into any interior, and the most diverse shapes and dimensions allow great freedom in choosing the desired sink.

Main characteristics of granite sinks:

  • easy to maintain
  • exceptional durability and strength
  • appearance of natural stone
  • scratch resistance
  • resistance to temperatures up to 280⁰C
  • does not leave germs and bacteria behind
  • completely non-porous surface
  • the color of the sink does not fade and it is resistant to sunlight
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